
A Year Like No Other

We believe that 2025 will be a year like no other. A golden age for American progress. A time when freedom is brought to the levels intended by the founding fathers. Join us in helping America’s small business community to fuel the economic growth for the rest of the decade.

Advance Business Builder designed to assist hardworking small business owners that operate a viable business that provides a valuable service to local communities. The business owner must be committed to filing taxes, making improvements, and have a verifiable income of $5,000 per month or more. The business must be registered in the state where they operate or at the town level if a sole proprietorship. 

Our objective is to help small businesses to flourish. Not to “game the system” or “get debt reduced’ or some other scheme. The primary objective is to help small business owners improve their business models and access more capital to fuel growth.

Featured Packed Program Benefits

  • FIRST TIER: three months working on the existing business model to realign the business to achieve objectives. There are thirty-six specific touch points handled during this Tier. The business owner is completely involved in the building of strategy.
  • SECOND TIER: we revisit the business strategy to make any tweaks due to progress made during the first tier. This second tier is designed to add valuable resources to the business owners’ war chest. Visible progress is achieved while accomplishing this tier’s thirty-six touchpoints.
  • THIRD TIER: This dream builder tier helps the business owner with identifying the steps necessary to bring the business to optimal potential. The business owner works with our top consultants to examine progress made during the first two tiers, and what can be accomplished in the future. 
  • FOURTH TIER: this particularly important fourth tier is designed to help the business owner with preparing for larger financing, scalability, and operational efficiency. The fourth-tier touchpoints end with graduation and certificate.